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ramp safety

Below please find the ramp safety survey for which you've been selected to participate. The survey relates to ramp operations at the airport of which you were advised privately. The information you provide will be used to determine the course of future research. 


Thank you for your help and participation. All responses will be kept anonymous.

Ramp safety at KXYZ airport


When was the last time your transited the ramp at KXYZ?
On average, IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS, approximately how many separate legs did you operate in and out of KXYZ
Generally speaking, during DAY operations, how would you rate the safety of the ramp operation (1=not at all safe, 10=extremely safe)
Generally speaking, during NIGHT operations, how would you rate the safety of the ramp operation (1=not at all safe, 10=extremely safe)
What other areas are of concern to you (day or night)?
Regarding any concern you have put forth here, have other pilots you know expressed similar concerns that you are aware of?



This section is intended to provide some sense if the reporting system is sufficiently robust to foster any needed changes. Your honest and anonymous answers are appreciated. A pilot's ability to report a safety concern is of tremendous importance--the time to report it, and the knowledge of where to do so being key elements.

Have you ever formally reported your concerns?
Did you receive a formal response?
As it relates to the safety concerns you've reported, have you noticed any improvement?
Do you feel your concerns were adequately addressed?
How did you make your concerns known?

The author of this survey understands the sensitive nature of the following question. That is the understanding being sought here. All responses will be held in strict confidence.

If you answered 'yes', what is the reason it went unreported (select all that are relevant)
Have you experienced or obseved something unsafe in the past that you have NOT reported?

Thanks for sharing your feedback with us!

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